
The Party.San Metal Open Air will take place for the 28. time at Obermehler airfield near Schlotheim in 2024. The airfield will be closed to air traffic during the event. The Party.San Metal Open Air will take place from Thursday 08.08.2024 to Saturday 10.08.2024.


The Party.San Metal Open Air offers its guests two stages. Both the main stage and the tent stage will be open from Thursday (up to and including Saturday). The tent stage will host the daily after-show party with DJs from radio stations.

Toilets / Showers / Supply

There will be sufficient free mobile and water toilets available. These are located on the campsite and in the festival infield area. The toilets will be cleaned several times a day during the festival to ensure maximum cleanliness for our guests. As last year, there will be two sanitary facilities with flush toilets and showers. These are also clearly visible and marked by flags on the camping areas. The flat-rate ticket for the use of the toilets and showers will also be available in 2024. You can purchase this ticket directly at the service points.

Water taps and hand washing facilities will of course be available on the camping site near the service points.

Between the festival entrance (gate entrance) and the backstage entrance there will be a beer garden in addition to the well-known breakfast tent, which will be open from Wednesday evening. The party tent will be open from Wednesday, 07.08.2024, 20:00 and offers our guests the obligatory welcome party as well as selected stands (food & drinks). From Thursday, 08.08.2024 to ###FESTIVALCAMPUNTIL###, the area will be opened and closed again according to the advertised opening times (current times will be announced in the handout, which we will hand out to each guest after arrival). The party tent will be used for the daily after-show party after Infields closes and will only close in the early hours of the morning (see handout for times).


Please get your tickets in advance! Our capacities could also run out. We cannot say at this stage whether weekend or day tickets will be available at the box office. We will only be able to make a firm statement on this at the beginning of July at the earliest.

Catering / Prices

Drinks and food will be available from Wednesday evening at 8:00 pm until Sunday morning at 11:00 am. We take great care to only accept suppliers whose products are of high quality. The supply partners are instructed to offer you food and drinks at a fair price. Water may be brought onto the infield in unopened Tetra-Paks or PET bottles with a maximum capacity of one liter (one bottle per person). Drinks for personal consumption are generally permitted on the campsite! Please remember that glass is prohibited on the entire festival site.

The Party.San Metal Open Air crew will again be responsible for serving drinks in the infield in 2024.

Children and juveniles

According to JuSchG § 5, children and young people (up to the age of 16) without a legal guardian are not admitted to concert and dance events. Young people (aged 16 and over) without a legal guardian are admitted to the above events until midnight.

However, there is the exception that you can nominate a legal guardian with the document to be downloaded >>> here <<< Fill out the document and have it signed by your parents. Carry the form with you at all times and show it to security staff on request.

The times during which you can stay on the festival site are then as follows: up to 16 years until midnight / from 16 years until your parent or guardian prohibits you from staying.

The serving of alcoholic beverages to children and young people is subject to JuSchG § 9.

Children and young people up to the age of 14 are admitted free of charge if accompanied by a parent or guardian. This means that those who are 14 years old must pay.

Authorized person:
Persons with personal custody are those persons who are entitled to personal custody either alone or jointly with another person in accordance with the provisions of the German Civil Code. As a rule, these are the parents.

Legal guardian:
A guardian is any person over the age of 18, insofar as they perform educational duties for the duration of the event on the basis of a written agreement with the person with custody.

Visitors with disabilities / wheelchair users

We are always striving to improve the service for our festival visitors with disabilities and to make the festival as pleasant and above all barrier-free as possible! For wheelchair users we have marked out an area in front of the stage where people with walking disabilities or wheelchair users can position themselves safely. There are 3 barrier-free toilets on the festival site. If you have any questions on site, you can contact the bar or security staff at any time. Please write to us at info@party-san.de if you have any questions about the regulations. Together we will find a solution. For the cool storage of special medication, please contact the German Red Cross on site.



Das Mitbringen von Haustieren (im speziellen Hunden) ist verboten!

Bild und Tonaufnahmen

Mit dem Betreten des Festivalgeländes erklärt sich der Gast damit einverstanden, dass von ihm Bild- und Tonaufnahmen gemacht werden können, die einer späteren Veröffentlichung dienen.


Solltet ihr einem Diebstahl zum Opfer fallen, dann wendet euch in bitte direkt an unsere Security, deren Hauptbüro auf dem Geländeplan vermerkt ist. Achtet bitte darauf, dass eure Wertsachen sicher verstaut sind! Wir haben selten Fälle von Diebstahl zu beklagen, wollen euch für dieses Thema dennoch sensibilisieren. Lasst bitte keine Wertgegenstände oder Autoschlüssel in euren Zelten liegen und achtet darauf, dass eure Autos verschlossen sind, wenn ihr den Campingplatz verlasst. Scheut euch also nicht unsere freundliche Security anzusprechen, falls ihr etwas Verdächtiges beobachtet.

Objects brought along

Weapons, fireworks & articles made of glass are absolutely forbidden. Our security is required to randomly check all arriving persons and vehicles. Please spare us and yourselves unpleasant situations and leave such items at home. In the event of serious violations, you may be banned from the site.

GAS BOTTLES: Gas bottles are not prohibited at the Party.San Metal Open Air. In individual cases, however, the security staff may confiscate gas cylinders due to their excessive size. These will be returned to their owners at the end of the event.

Gas cylinders will be confiscated if:

  1. The gas cylinder has a filling quantity greater than 11 kg and is not permanently installed in a camper or motorhome. Maximum of one cylinder per vehicle! Gas cylinders that are not installed and not stationary may not exceed a maximum filling quantity of 5 kg.
  2. The gas cylinder does not have a current TÜV inspection (stamp or label on the gas cylinder).
  3. If no pressure regulator is installed or connection hoses are brought along without a valid TÜV (stamp and/or rint).
  4. If the gas system in use does not have a reliable ignition safety device.
  5. If there is no valid gas test for operation in the caravan / motorhome. (TÜV sticker).

Hygiene instructions / pathogens / volume Party.San Metal Open Air

The visitor is aware that there is a particular volume at the concert, especially in front of the stage, and that there is a risk of possible damage to health, especially hearing damage. The organizer will ensure that visitors are not harmed by the sound level of the performances by providing suitable technical equipment, limiting the volume and selecting individual venues. Irrespective of this, however, it is strongly recommended to use suitable hearing protection, especially when standing near the loudspeakers, and to choose a place in front of the stage that is conducive to individual hearing habits.

The regular hygiene recommendations such as daily personal hygiene and regular hand washing apply.

From an official point of view, we have no warnings regarding acute infectious diseases. Should there be any changes, we will inform you via our social networks.

Otherwise, please use your common sense and take care of your fellow human beings.